Use "sabotage|sabotages" in a sentence

1. They can include interrupting information streams, capturing ships, intercepting aircraft, comprehensive blockading or acts of sabotage.

Ces mesures peuvent être appliquées par des forces armées régulières, par des forces d’opérations spéciales ou par des services secrets.

2. Turns out Lily has taken it upon herself to sabotage many of my relationships, including ours.

Il s'avère que Lily a décidé de saboter plusieurs de mes relations, dont la nôtre.

3. They broadcast programmes to incite acts of sabotage, including political attacks, assassinations and other actions comprising terrorist activities.

Elles diffusent des émissions destinées à inciter à des actes de sabotage, notamment des attaques politiques, des assassinats et d’autres activités, y compris des activités terroristes.

4. In this way, direct access to the automation device (1, 2) is avoided and security against attacks or sabotage is increased.

De cette manière, un accès direct au dispositif d'automatisation (1, 2) est évité et la protection contre des attaques ou un sabotage est accrue.

5. It is similarly difficult to believe that Capt Kyle would not remember Capt Rainville reporting to Col Labbé and LCol Mathieu in his afteraction debriefing that the two Somalis shot were saboteurs, yet Capt Kyle testified that he remembers Capt Rainville saying they were looters.144 He also did not indicate in his Significant Incident Report that the Somalis ever breached the wire, but rather that they were trying to break into the Canadian compound.145 The first instance of the word sabotage appearing in print with reference to the night of March 4th was on March 5th, in LCol Mathieu's response to a series of questions from NDHQ requesting information about the shootings.

Le cplc Countway a affirmé qu'il se trouvait à une distance d'environ 50 mètres du Détachement 64A. Il estimait que la distance entre les deux épingles de repère correspondait à environ 30 mètres (Transcriptions, vol.